New Album - Heidi Barton Stink, A Charming Gut produced by your friendly neighborhood SEE MORE PERSPECTIVE

It's here folks!

Heidi and I have been working on this fine album for over a year and it's finally finished!

We've dropped two singles: "Won't Let Ya Slide", featuring Guante and my self on the rap verses as well as Dameun Strange on some funked out keys, and "Consent Song", a heavy BoomBap masterpiece about communication and responsible sexuality.

Here's a way to frame what you'll hear:

Heidi Barton Stink's first full-length release strays far from conventional Hip Hop fare, yet offers a sense of tradition. "A Charming Gut" features a framework of rich vinyl-based production by SEE MORE PERSPECTIVE with a boom-bap-era flavor and traditionalist forward momentum. The content of Heidi's poignant & masterfully dense lyrics are rooted in story telling, the most fundamental element of rap, yet push further both creatively and emotionally than most MCs are willing to go. Addressing topics as diverse as the construction of gender, chosen family, colonialism, rape culture, revolution, mental health, suicide and the power of hope, The album might sit a little heavy, but also celebrates the bitter-sweet, and reminds us of the transformative power of art. “A Charming Gut” is gritty, sharp, heartfelt and just straight-up knocks in your sound system.

SO...we've celebrated the release of the album at Hell's Kitchen with Heidi (of course), Guante, Desdamona, Ganzo Bean and myself. Heidi shared a bunch of the new songs and everyone killed it.

We've made the album available for your listening and purchasing pleasure.

NOW IT'S ON YOU. Please show your love and support of our sweet, sweet music, dedication, thoughts and faces. Please contact us if you're interested in a hard copy and feel free to post and repost any info or songs from the album.

I know you'll do the right thing.

Thanks and Love!


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