Monday, December 30, 2019

Host an Intimate Listening of the upcoming Album, 'Jaws of Life'

After several years in the making, my second official full length album is at last ready to enter the world. ‘Jaws of Life’, in collaboration with master beat-maker Serebellum One, is like an audio sculpture, with layers of production and input from an impressive, unexpected team of musicians. Serebellum provided the driving thrust of instrumentation and I went on to write and record the songs. Jason Peterson DeLaire, disciple of the Minneapolis Sound pioneered by Prince, contributed galaxies of synths the collection of anthems and ballads. Finally, classically trained songstress Katherine Parent offered washes of haunting, ethereal vocals. As if that wasn't enough, Dameun Strange adds a bit of other wordly synth on 'Dandelions', and Tish Jones as a poignant poem on 'All Will Be Free'. I would be so honored to share a preview of this new work with you!
‘Jaws of Life’ takes off with the metaphor of an auto accident with a song written while my papá was in the hospital after suddenly losing his ability to walk. Through the lens of the ensuing wreckage, the album views the crises of our personal, social, and political lives: The fleeting thoughts that pass as everything is smashed in slow motion, the hopelessness of lying in the aftermath, and the possibility of liberation. The album plays as an earnest response to our bleak time, yet is filled with joy, passion, and a patient, realistic, and soft determination for survival.

Full of moments that range from apocalyptic to booty-shaking playfulness, ‘Jaws of Life’ is a psychedelic death trip that seduces us back into our bodies to fight until our time truly comes. It’s an out-of-body, life-after-death call to hope. The type of hope that makes you spit out blood and reach out to whatever is near to help you out of a dire situation; clawing, kicking, and screaming for life. ‘Jaws of Life’ isn’t an album that will tell you everything’s gonna be ok. In fact, it fully acknowledges that all things will most certainly come to an end, and when that time does indeed arrive, that we can be ok in letting go.

At these events, an audience consisting of a host or co-hosts and their friends, family, and colleagues will listen to the album, and be invited into discourse about the music, it’s themes, and our lives. The hope is to introduce the album as a facilitation of honest, healing conversation about the challenges we face as individuals and as a people, providing the opportunity to listen and be heard while we ease a little pain and grow a little stronger in our communities.

Contact me if you're interested!

1 comment:

  1. We'd love to host you at the East Side Freedom Library. Let's talk when you have time. You can email or call me at 651-230-3294.
